Windows XP, P4, and WC3


I need some help getting WC3 to work with Win XP on a P4 Dell Desktop. Available RAM is 512. I have a boot disk with emulates Win 98 but, about a minute into the game, it crashes. The message reads 'system unstable'. Again, any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
My best guess is that WinXP doesn't grant as much DOS as WC3 wants. And hey, what do we have our ol' P2s for? :)

Or maybe the CPU is too fast for WC3's comfort... I think something similar happened in Independence War, but that was only the frame-limiter crapping out...
Heh, well, I wouldn't recommend running WC3 on something else than a robust P2-or-less with Win98 anyway.
No the processor speed is fine. I run WC3 completely smooth on my Pentium 4 2.26ghz (except for some of the few instances for when cut-scenes all the sudden double speed for a second) and combat is perfect. I don't know your problem with your emulation but you won't be able to get any sound because XP doesn't support anything DOS sound wise.