Win 98 SE and Privateer 1


IU have windows 98 SE installed on my computer and want to play privateer 1 on it, however, when I try to install the program it will not boot into DOS. I checked msconfig to make sure that the check boxes for autoexec.bat and config.sys were checked, but they were greyed out. Does anyonehave any suggestions???
Yup. Don't use msconfig for this; you need either a boot disk or a shortcut to DOS mode. Post the contents of your config.sys, autoexec.bat, and dosstart.bat files.
Unfortuneately, my autoexec.bat and config.sys don't have anything in them and I don't have a dosstart.bat file. I do have two autoexec.bat and config.sys files. I opened the ones that are in C:\windows\command...I think that's where they were, and copied the contents to the root directory and reboot. Apparently, they bring up a start menu at boot up (looks like the menu that comes up when you boot to a windows cd-rom). Any ideas?
The autoexec.bat and config.sys we what to see are the ones on the root of c:\. C:\autoexec.bat and c:\config.sys. I hope you make a back up of them before you replace them with the ones in the C:\windows\command. These files are very important always make copies of them before touching them. Every windows machine has a dosstart.bat. It's in the c:\windows. What sound card do you have?

[Edited by Johnl12 on 07-14-2001 at 20:22]