WCP with GeForce 8800: dgVoodoo? Zeckensack?



Forgive me if this is covered elsewhere - I've searched the forums for dgVoodoo, and found no advice.

1) I have an nVidia GeForce 8800 card. I saw some references to the fact that Zeckensack's Glide Wrapper doesn't work well with the GeForce 7 series, which presumably would apply to the 8800 as well. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Is there any news on updates to the wrapper?

2) dgVoodoo seems to be generally considered as the best (and most up to date) Glide wrapper. Has anyone tried it (particular recently) with Prophecy or SO?

3) Someone mentioned that the high-resolution Prophecy movie download only works with Zeckensack's wrapper, not with dgVoodoo. Any confirmation of this? If so, and Zeckensack turns out to be unusable with my 8800, is there a workaround? Or a way to view movies in D3D, fly in Glide?

4) What about the OpenGL WCP mod? Not compatible with the HCl HiRes mod, but does it provide similar grahics enhancements and game fixes? How do the graphics compare to Glide? And what about compatibility with the previously mentioned movie pack?

5) Finally, has anyone else run WCP with a GeForce Series 8 card?

Well, I have a GeForce 7300 GS and WCP works just fine in Glide mode with Zeckensack's Glide Wrapper. Should work on your end too. :)
Thanks, I'll try it.

On that topic, since selected D3D when I ran the HiRes patch installer, how do I switch to Glide? By editing the highres.txt file created by the installer? Or do I select it within the game?

Thanks, I'll try it.

On that topic, since selected D3D when I ran the HiRes patch installer, how do I switch to Glide? By editing the highres.txt file created by the installer? Or do I select it within the game?


I believe you just rerun the patch installer