WCKS Win98 Joystick problems


I've been through these forums and I don't think I've found a solution that seems to work...

I'm running Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga on my Windows 98 SE, direct x 9c machine and I pulled out my old Gravis Blackhawk (not to be confused with the Gravis Blackhawk digital) joystick, which uses a gameport located on my SBLive! sound card.

The joystick is recognized by windows as a three axis, four button joystick and it calibrated fine and tests fine. I've tried Alt-Tabbing out of WC back to windows and calibrating the joystick again while in flight like the readme says but that didn't work
I've also looked to see if this stick has any drivers, I know it didn't come with any discs and all I could find online were Blackhawk Digital drivers, which is another stick altogether.

Mouse and keyboard work fine, but they're you know... mouse and keyboard. Any ideas to get this working?
Is it not working at all? Did you alt-o during spaceflight to choose joystick and then hit save settings?

Also, would you happen to have any other usb gamepads or joysticks plugged in (even if yours is an older pre-usb stick)

PLease provide a little more detail on exactly how it's not working.