WCIV on Vista


Hello all,

I recently installed WCIV (Win95 &MS-DOS Native) on my laptop with windows Vista. The installation went fine, and I elected to run the game off my CDs and not install on my hard drive. I played the game fine, saved, and exited.

The next time I tried to start the game, one shortcut told me the system couldn't run the Full Screen, and to try to re-install. Another told me a file xanlib.dl wasn't found, and couldn't run. I don't understand how the game ran fine, then stopped working. I haven't played any WC in roughly 10 years, and got excited when I found my copy of WCIV, and am disappointed I can't figure out whats wrong.Any ideas?

Thanks, Dan
Have you tried messing with the compatibility mode at all?

This sounds like a really weird problem, as I don't recall seeing anybody else having the same issue. It might be because you seemed to have installed both the Win95 and DOS version, although I'm not sure.
is the file "xanlib.dl" still present in the wc4 directory of the harddrive? Did you set the compatibility of WC3W.EXE to Windows 95 (if vista still has that...)?
It all turned out fine. I re-installed the game, and chose to install it to my hard drive. Worked fine. Thanks for the help!
