WCII KS version & my keyboard


Hello, having some problems with the KS version of II and Win XP.
Using the keyboard causes all controls to freeze for a varying amount of time depending on how or how may times I pressed a key.
If I hold down Tab for 5 seconds, the conrols lock for at least 5 seconds. I can get around by doing throttle with my right mose button and only useing the Kb when necessary.
I've tried all the compatibility modes in XP, but they all don't help the keyboard problem and cause other problems. (hosed sound, game constantly dropping to lowest priority in task manager)
Does this sound familiar to anyone?
KS WC2 has a bug that causes it not to accept multiple simultaneous keyboard input properly. This makes keyboard flying quite difficult sometimes. The sound can sometimes be fixed by adjusting the directx sound hardware acceleration settings. No one has yet developed a fix for this. Playing with a joystick should be fine. Alternately, the DOS WC2 in DOSBox does not have this problem.
Would it make a differnece if I used a USB or a regular keyboard? (probably not)
I actually have both plugged in.
I've been having the same problem. In both WC1 and 2. Is there any way to map certain functions like afterburner to a joystick?
Afterburn - Double click on the secondary mouse button or joystick button #2.
Throttle - Hold down the secondary mouse button or joystick button #2 while moving the mouse/stick up and down.
Roll - Hold down the secondary mouse button or joystick button #2 while moving the mouse/stick left and right.
Missile - Both primary and secondary mouse/joystick buttons.
Unregistered said:
I've been having the same problem. In both WC1 and 2. Is there any way to map certain functions like afterburner to a joystick?

This would be dependent on the software that came with your joystick or some third party configuration program. The game itself doesn't support this.