WC4 Movie Problem



I had this same problem with WC3, but it wasn't too horrendous so I ignored it. Now it just plain sucks and it causes the game to crash (I still haven't gotten past the opening cutscene).

So here's what I'm dealing with...

The flicks run sort of weird. They kind of speed up from time to time, for just a split second, passing up 2-3 seconds of the cutscene and creating illusionary skips in the film (they're not really skips... it just speeds up real quick for a sec) and definite skips in the sound, and in WC4 these include nasty crackles and pops. Often the game crashes while it's doing this. Also, when the camera's panning about or an object is moving hastily across the screen, it leaves trails of its previous location on the screen. Sometimes I get weird graphical anomalies on the film even when stuff isn't moving (just weird white blocks that scatter about the screen). I haven't figured out if it's a sound or a video issue yet, I think it may be a pleasant combo of both. You guys have helped me before, so maybe there's some sort of video or sound option I can mess with to try and fix this. It's really annoying.

I've tried reinstalling about five times and messing with some of the setup options but it's to no avail. If anything, actually, the problem has grown worse.

Here are my specs, if they'll help...

1.2 Ghz Athlon
40 gig drive
256 RAM
Win 98 Second Edition
64 MB Geforce 2 Ultra
SB Live

Thank you in advance for any help...
Originally posted by Dini
...when the camera's panning about or an object is moving hastily across the screen, it leaves trails of its previous location on the screen. Sometimes I get weird graphical anomalies on the film even when stuff isn't moving (just weird white blocks that scatter about the screen).
I'm sorry I don't know about your problem to help, but what you describe here is what normally happens in WC3 FMV normally, AFAIK.