WC4 Installation Help

Game Fan

I recently had to replace my HDD. Everything on it was wiped. I had WC4 Dos version with the Win95 patch on the HDD. I'm trying to reinstall it now, but I have lost my installation manual. I do have an insert card that says to install the game on Win95 just insert Disc 1 and double click WC4.exe and it will put an icon on your desktop, but when I do this a DOS window opens and all seems well then it freezes and there is no icon on my desktop.

Can anyone help? Does anyone know where an installation guide might be online? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Originally posted by Game Fan
I recently had to replace my HDD. Everything on it was wiped. I had WC4 Dos version with the Win95 patch on the HDD. I'm trying to reinstall it now, but I have lost my installation manual. I do have an insert card that says to install the game on Win95 just insert Disc 1 and double click WC4.exe and it will put an icon on your desktop, but when I do this a DOS window opens and all seems well then it freezes and there is no icon on my desktop.

Can anyone help? Does anyone know where an installation guide might be online? Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

You should remove it, then boot to dos, reinstall, then apply the win95 patch. IIRC, you have to have the DOS version fully installed and working correctly before that patch works to run WCIV in win9x. At least thats what I had to do when I replaced my HD. Fortunately, the replacement wasnt due to previous HD problems, just upgrading to increase HD space.

WC4 Installation

I guess I wasn't clear. I can't even install the DOS game, let alone use the Win 95 patch.

How do I install the game? I guess that's what I'm really asking. I've tried doing countless things with Disk 1 but nothing seems to work. The more I think about it I remember the first time I installed the game I had alot of trouble and ended up having to make a shortcut to DOS icon for the game to work and had to change some autoexec and system files.

Anyhow, I know the installation manaul has a detailed description of what to do if things don't work like it says on the card that came with the game (what I referred to in my first post). If anyone has or knows the whereabouts of the installation guide for DOS WC4 I would be grateful.

Sorry for the rambling, but I really want to install the game and play it and EA/Origin tech support hasn't been much help. Thanks
Hmm, what's there to say? Do a pure DOS boot, switch to your CD drive and type wc4, and you should be away. What sort of error messages do you get?
Install the game from pure DOS. Don't bother setting up any options aside from the video mode (well, go ahead and copy those three files over if you want; shouldn't cause trouble). Then, quit the installation (don't bother running the game) and apply the Win9x patch. There shouldn't be any trouble.