WC4 and DosBox


I am trying to get WC4 running on my PC. I have downloaded dosbox and it runs ok other than I can't get the sound to stop skipping no matter the cycle rate. Also, I have the 6 cd set, do I need to copy all the cd's? if so what is the best way to do it. my pc is the following: Windows XP HE,2.0GB cpu, Geforce 2 pro, I'm thinking my sound card is creative SB Live!. Please someone help me, I miss playing WC so bad.
Apply the Win95 patch. Though DosBOX is not really required to run WC4 at all.

With DosBOX, however, you need to mount the cd-rom first. Read the instructions on that - carefully. And then through the cd drive run INSTALL (I think that is the way seeing I tried WC4 on DosBOX not so quite long ago).
If his sound is skipping, then it sounds like he's beyond mounting the CDs and installing the game.

What cycle rate are you actually using? A 2.0 GH processor is kind of borderline for WC4, but you should be able to play it smoothly if you enable the dynamic core option in the dosbox.conf file.

If you install the Windows patch, make sure you enable compatibility mode when you run the game.
The Windows versions of the old WC games (anything pre-Prophecy) tend to suffer from sticky-keys problem with the controls.

For DOS version of WC4 I can heartily recommend VDMSound. I enabled the emulation of the joystick and audio only, so it ran a lot faster than within DOSBox (VESA emulation was not necessary in my case).