Directions for Manual Install
Manual installation will be a two part process; copying the necessary files listed in the appropriate sizes installation, and creating a .cfg file with the appropriate rasterMajor, cdDirectory, indtallDirectory lines.
Files in Maximum Installation
gl_0002.dll (Install directory on CD #1)
gl_0005.dll (Install directory on CD #1)
gl_0006.dll (Install directory on CD #1)
launcher.exe (Install directory on CD #1)
maximum.cfg (Install directory on CD #1)
music.tre (CD #2)
programs.cfg (Install directory on CD #1)
prophecy.exe (Install directory on CD #1)
speech2.tre (CD #2)
speech3.tre (CD #3)
uninstal.exe (Install directory on CD #1)
Prophecy .cfg Switches
The prophecy.cfg file is both powerful and easy to use. Three steps are needed for proper operation. Because of the nature of this process, it is recommended that the game be installed into a relatively simple directory structure. C:\PROPHECY is recommended.
Step One - Creation of a prophecy.cfg file
The prophecy.cfg file is nothing more than a simple text file located in the directory Wing Commander: Prophecy is installed into. Edit the file, such that the name is prophecy.cfg.
Check the file, and add the following switches, based on your needs. Remember that each switch is case sensitive.
installDirectory=<customer hard drive directory>
Replace <customer hard drive directory> with the full path to the customers installed directory. (Ex. installDirectory=C:\Prophecy)
cdDirectory=<customer cd drive>
Replace <customer cd drive> with the full path to the customers installed directory. (Ex. cdDirectory=D:\)
Specifies what graphics rasterizer to use. Replace "2" for 3Dfx, and "6" for software.
Turns off all sound.
Turns off all music. If the user is getting "streamer" crashes, this may provide a workaround.
Step Two - Creation of a run.bat file
Once the .cfg file is successfully created, the game must be "told" to use it. The simplest way to accomplish this is to create a run.bat file in the customers installed directory. The file need only contain the following line:
prophecy.exe @prophecy.cfg
This instructs the exe file to look at the .cfg file before running.
There are also registry patches for the various installations.