WC Novels - preferred order?

Publication order is probably best!

Freedom Flight
End Run
Fleet Action
Heart of the Tiger
The Price of Freedom
Action Stations
False Colors
Wing Commander
Pilgrim Stars
Pilgrim Truth

(Folks may tell you to read Action Stations first because it's a prequel but that's not the way to read it; it relies on knowing characters introduced in the earlier books.)
I did Action Stations first on my last full play/read through of the entire series because I was doing it in timeline order - but as LOAF said I wouldn't recommend it for a first timer (even regret it for me as it had been well over a decade since I'd ready any of the novels).

In 2030 I might start playing/reading in the order things actually came out on the day they did. I didn't discover WC until WCIV so it'd be fun to relive it in order, maybe check out some of the related press.
Totally; when I was a teenager I didn't like Freedom Flight as much because it felt "kiddie" compared to End Run and Fleet Action... but rereading it today, it's the one that's closest to the games it was based on.
I really liked Freedom Flight, it was very WC1 with some fantasy elements suitable for the Kilrathi world which made a sharp contrast to the high tech Confed.