WC I, II, III, IV, V in XP


Hey all,
I was wondering if theres an easy way to get all of the wing commander games to work good and with sound in windows xp. after playing freelancer i have nastalgia and am going to buy all 5 wc's and play them over the summer while still here at school. i also have a k6-2 350 that i could possible load up with dos and an old sound card (if i can find one) if thats the easiest way to get the older wc games to work. any suggetions would be welcome. i remember visiting this site years ago...looks great! :)

Here's a summary (second update) https://www.wcnews.com/news/1064

The gist of it is that you can get Kilrathi Saga, WC4, Prophecy and Secret Ops and, though it isn't mentioned, I assume Privateer 2 Deluxe.

The other games including the original WC1-3, I assume, are no go in XP.
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Kilrathi Saga version of WC1 and WC2 should work. WC4 with the Windows 95 patch will work. WC5 will require a little tweaking in order for it to work properly on XP.

As for the KS version of WC3, well then will depend entirely on your machine and how friendly XP is to you. My KS- WC3 constantly crashes with XP.
best option

i guess the best thing i can do is buy them all seperatly and make that 350mhz machine boot up to dos 6.0 or something and try to find sound/video card drivers all over again like the olden days. this is gonna suck :D
*jaw drops* 120 bucks? That's crazy. Good games, but not worth that much. You're better off watching the local software stores for 'Used' games. Now and then a goodie turns up for 5 bucks. :)
$120 is a good deal for KS.. Lately it's been nearing $200.. At one point it went for more than $350.
Such is the market. Supply and demand. For a moment, 29 USD was the price. Now, 120 USD is a good deal.
Originally posted by ChrisReid
I don't think I ever actually saw it at low as $29 in stores here.

I had to import it from the US. I remember paying US$ 29,90 from Chips&Bits, plus shipping, handling and taxes. And that right after it was released. But I might need to check on the price.
That's good.. mine was at Future Shop I believe.. either $39.99 or $44.99 (I think they had it at both prices at different times).
Originally posted by Delance
I had to import it from the US. I remember paying US$ 29,90 from Chips&Bits, plus shipping, handling and taxes. And that right after it was released. But I might need to check on the price.

I could have bought it in stores, but back then I thought - fuck windows. I'll never touch that stuff if I haven't to.
Later on, I imported it fot $58 IIRC. Had to get my first credit card just for KS back then...
$58's still a great deal I think (and not even relative to current bidded up prices, just on principle to me).