WC:CD (Fuel Depot)


Vice Admiral
Although a little different from WC Fashion I've been working on a Fuel Depot Type concept....Let me know what ya think?


Cool looking, where the hanger? XP

If that was in Secret Ops, dang I'd make 25 Refuelers around it.

Also, what would the defences be like?
Yea I was thinking lightly defended few turrets here n there. I just haven't exactly mastered the turret thing yet. But I'm gettin there. Also I would love for the hanger to be inside the central tube. I'm wondering what are the parameters either in the mesh or the ship files like the Redeemer fuel, That let's you dock with it. And what are the parameters for actually docking, heading, position etc...I'd love to make it so that you dock inside the tube.
Yea I was thinking lightly defended few turrets here n there. I just haven't exactly mastered the turret thing yet. But I'm gettin there. Also I would love for the hanger to be inside the central tube. I'm wondering what are the parameters either in the mesh or the ship files like the Redeemer fuel, That let's you dock with it. And what are the parameters for actually docking, heading, position etc...I'd love to make it so that you dock inside the tube.

It's a pre-made function inside of WCP/SO. You call the function and it automatically plays a little movie file.

If you want to do something like this in game, you would need to script it as a scene (the UE Source Code can show you how to do this fairly easily) and then in the middle of the scene, reset the players ship to full ammo and fuel.

In fact, the first? Second? Mission in UE does just this. You're defending a station from attack and between waves, I think, you dock with the station to rearm/refuel.
Well I redid a little bit to the model mainly because I thought it was under 1200.....I was Wrong... So this is under 1200 Polies. Simple n Sweet.

But be rest assured that bother Refinary and the Fuel Depot will be in the WC:CD Mod...Minor changes to the Refinary still have to be done as far as textures are concerned.


Bear in mind, for capships you really don't need to keep it under 1200 polys. A capship is limited mainly by the number of components that it's gonna have (plus the hull, which is the indestructible part of the ship to which all components are attached). Each component can have around 1200 polys. So, you can (and should!) aim for at least 2000-3000 polys in a capship (unless of course you want it to only have one component, and no hull - our frigate in Standoff is like that, and obviously had to have under 1200 polys altogether). In fact, since you can also attach parts to a capship (a part is a separate mesh, but not a separate destroyable component; parts are characterised by the option to make them rotate - WCP used parts in one of the space stations to create a rotating ring). All things considered, you could probably have as many as 10,000 polys on a capship without any trouble (though I don't recommend going to such extremes ;) ).
Hmm Interesting I'll have too look into branching off several components like you said. But I am curious, how are these components added to the model? I notice in the mesh files on both Standoff and Secret Ops that there are many meshes for one model, IE: Midway, Ella Starbase, etc.. I'll try using WC Pascal either today or tonight and take a look at the "Calypso" mesh file and see what lines that it has that the normal fighter ships don't have. Either a Iff que or a reference too another mesh. Because I'd really like to have multiple components especially if it's a requirement to get into the vision engine :) I also have a Space Colony and a Refinary that are still being worked on... On top of the Broadsword, Rapier Varients, Arrow Textures, Excalibur Textures, Perry/ Ferrugut Navel stations. Believe me with all this modeling and texturing...I haven't even started doing any of the missions yet :):D
O BTW while on the size note.....I didn't think that this project initially would have been so big.. But since the start when all the info is uncompiled from SO and Standoff and just basically a reference of sorts. It's like 900+ megs worth of info after modeling is started, screenshots taken, info is gathered.