Well at the moment. The Collateral Damage Story is mainly themed around a dark time between the end of Secret Ops and the Beginning of WC Arena, (Hence all the fighters that you see are based of reproductions of the models you see in Arena). I've developed a plot synopsis which includes where I think the project should go. Based on information that is in the WC Arena manual & the never materialized Privateer 3 (I think) including pilot names, ships names, big battles, technology , etc... and how I think that the battles turn out. So with that being said, If I could actually get some feedback on what people think happened after the Secret Ops, including what you think may be a good strategy to attract people to the Mod.
Be creative!!! I've been pretty creative so far with the story, But I haven't gotten in depth with conversations and stuff like that. So although a plot/storyline has been laid out, there is no script as of yet. So if anyone has ideas, by all means throw in some cool information!! I've come up with dates, characters, ships, different happenings within the universe, and also some of which things that inevitably have to be made up if there's information missing somewheres.
But ultimately another member of the CIC community and myself have been the working on the project thus since late november , in which he's given me alot of information of backgrounds, dates, etc.. But I really need to get a website up of some sort to get people turned on so to speak to the Collateral Damage mod. So far the modeling is more or less getting to a point where I'm going to need some testers and even modders that know the vision engine. It's hard to convert the ships to IFF and then do all the things that have to be changed to the ships...IE: engine placement, gun placement, cockpit placement, weapon loadouts, etc... when there's about 12-15 different ships....I like doing the modeling it's just a painstaking task.
If there are people that would like to further develop Characters and even think of different (Non-lucrative) ways to have certain events go, then by all means email me or send me Private messege or whatever. Post it up here if you'd like. So to answer your question. I'll post up some information within the next couple of days on the synopsis and some characters that's I've been developing.