WC Armada


Vice Admiral
howdy all, I just put a bid in on a WC Armada and I was wondering how I can get it to work on my comp. I have win98se, pentium processor, with 128 RAM and a 17 GB harddrive. so, can I use myjemm or do I have to use some other program or can I just run it normally?
I'm afraid that Armada is roughly the same - technically - as Privateer and Strike Commander. I can get all three working, but I know many have trouble with Privateer especially. I'm sure it'll be possible - you need run it in a DOS boot (not window), with expanded memory, IIRC.
ok, privateer works almost perfectly on my comp, just no speech unfortunately lol. Im still winning the item, and its ending in like 7 hours so hopefully I'll get it.
With WinSE it should work with myjemm alone. If it doesn't I strongly suggest do do a DOS bootdisk.
In my (admittedly limited) experience with on-line auctions, you can never be sure of winning an item until the auction is over. The prices multiplies several times in the last five minutes...
That's right Wedge, you have to pay attention until the last moment. And, if you are a seller, not finish the auction early.
I just bought WCArmada on eBay for 99 cents. Neat. Just the CD, considering I have the complete diskette original version, with box and manuals.

Now I'm waiting for my US friend to send me the WC4 DVD I grabbed at eBay, on of those hundreds valentinez was (is?) selling for cheap. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.
ok, I found out it is the diskettes version but looks like Im stuck with it unless someone outbids me but I dont care, jsut as long as I get the game, then I'll be one step closer to completing my wc collection
so, since I lost both auctions(they both ended when I was either in school or on the bus home) and since there arent any on ebay anymore( at this time anyways) I was wondering if maybe one of you would be willing to split with one of your copies of Armada. I'll pay of course. so, any takers?
ah thx for those links chris, unfortunately the first auction ended before i could bid but I'll catch the second one a little later. thx
I have Armada, as well as Priv/RF and WC Academy, all on cds, but I can't get any of them to run in XP. And I'm pretty much too lazy to reconfigure my blah blah blah to get them to run. But I'm still not parting with them (someday I'll make a DOS wc machine)