

Rogue Leader
Is there some virus going around affecting web servers? When I accessed the CIC front page about an hour ago, I was getting news dated at March 12, 2004. It's working properly now, but I just accessed OverClocked ReMix and all of a sudden the latest remixes available are dated at June 13, 2004. I'm very confused...
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Wedge009 said:
Is there some virus going around affecting web servers? When I accessed the CIC front page about an hour ago, I was getting news dated at March 12, 2004. It's working properly now, but I just accessed OverClocked ReMix and all of a sudden the latest remixes available are dated at June 13, 2004. I'm very confused...

I don't recall seeing that an hour ago. Maybe your browser cache needs to be cleared?
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No virus. While the CIC's news stuff is database driven, the news on the front page is from a static file. It'd have to be a really clever virus to be able to regenerate our news file based on news from a different date.
What if the virus uses the servers 4dfx card to generate chroniton particles? It could set the CIC back in time without touching the database!
Dyret said:
No what.

No virus, or no browser cache needs to be cleared?

No virus on the CIC database. If there was, then your other page would not have been backdated. Therefore, the problem is probably with your browser's cache and that your browser's reloaded an old page.

Using IE, by chance?
Bandit LOAF said:
What if the virus uses the servers 4dfx card to generate chroniton particles? It could set the CIC back in time without touching the database!

Don't you mean chronitron particles?
I should have mentioned that it's not a cache problem - at least not at my end. The problem may be at my ISP's end. I'm seeing the 12 March, 2004 news again on the CIC's front page, and now OC ReMix is up to 5 July, 2004, but is still not current.
Wedge009 said:
I should have mentioned that it's not a cache problem - at least not at my end. The problem may be at my ISP's end. I'm seeing the 12 March, 2004 news again on the CIC's front page, and now OC ReMix is up to 5 July, 2004, but is still not current.

Here's a quick test: clear your cache completely, then go to Google. Try searching for and then see what their cached page looks like - if you see the July 23rd page, then you know it's probably something on your ISP's end. Then try refreshing the page by going to through Google - if you see the old page, then try going through to see if the page loads properly. If it does, then look for a public proxy server - and if it works properly through there, then you're set and it probably is an ISP issue.
Or it could be one of the many spyware apps out there that screw with IE (or even worse, the Microsoft TCP/IP stack). The IE ones will do that, while the TCP/IP ones will affect all browsers (as well as make wierd things happen that screw up internet updates of stuff like anti-spyware apps).

Then again, there have been a ton of virii lately... though the most recent one is an osama suicide email. (But really, virii today is used to send out spam - it's more profitable to hijack computers sending out spam than to delete data! Thus, everything else is usually attributable to spyware, which really digs deep to hide themselves.).