Video Problem in Wc4

  • Thread starter Thread starter Unregistered
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Hi there, I'm trying to get WC4 running in WinMe. I setup gulikoza's patches (I'm using 1.3) which took me quite a while with all my codec conflicts, but finally i got it working perfectly... Except for one cutscene (I hope!). Here's how things tend to unfold:
1. Intro plays, no problems
2. First little movie plays, no problems
3. then gives you a choice, no problems
4. the choice video plays, no problems with either of the resulting videos, both the vet getting angery and the vet thanking you play perfectly
5. video freezing up on the last frame of the previous movie and i have to hit esc to make a choice between being pissed and minding my own business

Now i know which movie is suppose to play next cause i can view them manually in my Dvd viewer (it's the one where Blair meets up with maniac), but i was hoping someone might know more about this. I've tried on all 5 compatibility modes in dxmci and fiddling with that doesn't seem to help. Any help would be appriciated
Unregistered said:
Hi there, I'm trying to get WC4 running in WinMe. I setup gulikoza's patches (I'm using 1.3) which took me quite a while with all my codec conflicts, but finally i got it working perfectly... Except for one cutscene (I hope!). Here's how things tend to unfold:
1. Intro plays, no problems
2. First little movie plays, no problems
3. then gives you a choice, no problems
4. the choice video plays, no problems with either of the resulting videos, both the vet getting angery and the vet thanking you play perfectly
5. video freezing up on the last frame of the previous movie and i have to hit esc to make a choice between being pissed and minding my own business

Now i know which movie is suppose to play next cause i can view them manually in my Dvd viewer (it's the one where Blair meets up with maniac), but i was hoping someone might know more about this. I've tried on all 5 compatibility modes in dxmci and fiddling with that doesn't seem to help. Any help would be appriciated

I don't know much about winme, but do you by any chance have PowerDVD installed on your PC? There are known issues between it and WC4 DVD. Short of uninstalling PowerDVD there is one possible solution that works for me with WinXP.

Download this patch from Gulikozas site. Unzip it into your wc4dvd directory. Then run the register.bat file. See if that works.
Nope, no PowerDvd installed. And i have to use Ligos filters with ME since the WinDVD filters tend to mess up for some reason, causing the video not to play at all (aside from the intro).
Oh yeah, one more thing, how do i check which filters DirectShow is using? I fiddled around with trying to figure that out for about 3 hours till i gave up.
Iy you register it's easier to keep track of you and your problem when other users start posting to the same thread. Plus then you could have just edited the the first reply.
Okay, so i played around with settings and things a little more this morning and found that the end of scene freezing happens on a few different movies, luckily tho no other movies are skipped entirely by my hitting esc so far. It's as if the game doesn't know how to transition to whatever is suppose to happen next. Anyone have any ideas?
It seems that for some reason dxmci does not signal the game that it has reached the end of video clip. It's hard to say why this happens, but you mentioned you're using ME and I did not test this in ME extensively...
Best bet is probably wait for new version which should be available shortly (I sincerely hope so, but I've been extremely busy these past few weeks) which will include StarFleet Academy and Spycraft support and hopefully also fix some bugs…
Demon Messiah said:
Sounds good. maybe I can be your ME tester gulikoza, since my ME machine is gonna be my dedicated old game rig ;-)

If it's going to be a dedicated gaming rig for old WC games you would probably honestly be better off tracking down win98.