V for Vendetta


Frog Blast the Vent Core!
Just over two weeks till the movie comes out. As someone who read the comic novel long ago I'm curious as to how much of the novel they will do justice. The novel is quite powerful and it had an influence on how I viewed a lot of things later on in life. The previews do look nice with the more powerful images (the destruction of parliament for example), but those events are only a small part of the story between V and Evey. Just curious about anyone else's thoughts pre-release...
Dundradal said:
Just curious about anyone else's thoughts pre-release...

Early reviews have it being called complete crap. Alan Moore's writing has never translated to the screen properly - From Hell, Leauge Of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and now this? Sadly, Watchmen is being written and the big talk is that they had to change the big climax of the story due to it being a little too similar to 9/11 in it's after effects
I think it looks pretty nifty. I hope the reviews prove to be wrong. As for the other movies, I thought LOEG was cheesy to the point of shitty. Although, I enjoyed From Hell. I should buy it one of these days.
Unfortunately, I thought that they might continue on they streak of killing Mr. Moore's great work. I knew V would be quite a stretch as there are some pretty powerful moments in there that would be butchered by hollywood (such as Finch going to Larkhill and ingesting LSD in order to have his epiphany) I imagine a lot of the more powerful scenes will be rendered useless or not at all in order to have more money for the destruction of the many famous and infamous buildings V destroys on his vendetta.

Really is too bad, if done correctly it could have been a very very powerful movie, but I fear that all hollywood has done is slice and dice another great story...
Dundradal said:
Unfortunately, I thought that they might continue on they streak of killing Mr. Moore's great work. I knew V would be quite a stretch as there are some pretty powerful moments in there that would be butchered by hollywood (such as Finch going to Larkhill and ingesting LSD in order to have his epiphany) I imagine a lot of the more powerful scenes will be rendered useless or not at all in order to have more money for the destruction of the many famous and infamous buildings V destroys on his vendetta.

Really is too bad, if done correctly it could have been a very very powerful movie, but I fear that all hollywood has done is slice and dice another great story...

It really irritates me when people who haven't seen the final product run around the net saying things are going to suck. Everyone knows that certain conceits need to be made when translating things from the page to the screen. Thats a given. Some things Just won't work like they do on the page, words or graphic novel or otherwise.

I'm unfamiliar with the original work I'll admit, and I don't doubt that it's going to be different. But I'll judge it when I see it thank you. And how a movie works dramatically is dependant on more things that how much it pleases all the fanboys. Obviously Changes are irritating to those who want a faithful addaptation and it seems in this regard the movie may well have already bombed (pun intended). But I'm not going to hate it because the internet tells me to. I'll let it fairly earn that distinction.
Everybody's always going off on Hollywood cutting up classic comic books... but that street car runs both ways, buckos.

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AD said:
But I'm not going to hate it because the internet tells me to. I'll let it fairly earn that distinction.

Take it from someone who's seen a lot of bad come from comic book adaptations - this is going to suck.
Well, Alan Moore didn't like it, but David Lloyd seemed to have a positive opinion on it. (Though his caustic comments back at Moore seemed a little unnecessary)

Most interesting was JMS's comments on the script, something about it being one of the most engrossing ones he'd ever read?

Who knows.

Though given how the last two Matrix movies turned out...yeah faith might not be a good thing to have about it.
Nob Akimoto said:
Most interesting was JMS's comments on the script, something about it being one of the most engrossing ones he'd ever read?

Nail. Coffin.
It would be very hard not to have it being a very engrossing script. It is a great story that would take quite the heavy hollywood hand to destroy that.

I'm not saying it's going to suck, I just don't have much faith in seeing the product it could be.
From what I've seen in the trailers, I think I might like it. I didn't know it had a literary beginning until I saw this thread.

That being said, "Clear and Present Danger" is a classic example of things that were NOT in the book being put into the movie, I assume for budgetary reasons, that would have been more powerful if left out and the book version used.

I'm referring to how the soldiers got into and out of Columbia. The book rocked. The movie was just excellent.
Ridgerunner said:
From what I've seen in the trailers, I think I might like it. I didn't know it had a literary beginning until I saw this thread.

Come to think of it - outside of the amazingly overrated Sin City, I can think of only one other comic-to-screen direct adaptation to get kudos from the original writer. Frank Miller started jumping up and down (literally) in joy when he saw the Dark Knight Returns segment on the Batman Animated Series.
The LOEG movie is a big steaming pile of feces. The From Hell movie is good, but it bears little to no relation to the source material, and compared to it is quite tame and generic.

And there is really absolutely NO way that V can be good. Not in this world.

I liked Sin City a lot, though, because the comics were based on the ideal of noir movies, so the film was actually a return. To dislike the movie, you gotta dislike the comics too.

I've never seen the DKR segments in the (excellent) batman cartoon... Did they make the whole book?
Edfilho said:
To dislike the movie, you gotta dislike the comics too.

Not at all. The major failing of the movie was that it wasn't an animated movie.