Um, about online MPG games...


I see various space-type multiplayer games now on the shelves (JumpGate, Earth & Beyond, Project Earth, E.V.E., etc.), and start to lust over the eye candy, and then get all disappointed when I read the box & find that they're MMPG or somesuch.

My question is this: Does anyone know which of the games mentioned (or any *other* such ones you can think of offhand) might be able to be played offline?... That is, are any of these games capable of being played by you against the computer AI of the game, without having to go online to play?...

I have only a dialup connection (with no plans to change this), and would really like to play some of these just against my PC, if it were possible.

Any feedback on this, folks?...
Smugglers is really more of a roleplaying game than a space sim, though ... and if we're listing I-War 2, we might as well list all of the more recent space games, following Tachyon:

Homeplanet Utilizes realistic Newtonian physics, along the lines of Independence War.

Star Wrath 3 I have absolutely no idea what this is.

Babylon 5: I've Found Her Considers itself the heir to the legacy abandoned when Sierra cancelled Into the Fire.

Battlecruiser Generations Not really a space combat sim in the traditional sense, and plagued by the publicity generated by the infamous cascading Usenet flame wars studied by scholars, but still a pretty good game. So I'm told.

Allegience Reaaaaaaaaaly old multiplayer game (from about 1998) that disappeared off the radar for a while but apparently still has a following. Like Freelancer, the servers are locally run, with team-based gameplay.

Escape Velocity Nova Like Privateer, except in 2D and you get to fly battleships and conquer planets.