TRON Costume

The Tron costume is different from those other things -- it's very competently done.

I don't like that it's an internet joke, though. I wish I had the balls and the costuming skill to dress up as Tron (or, some equivalent cool genre thing that I loved).
My intention in posting the link was not to spread an internet joke. I respect the artistic creativity, skill and daring that went into the costume (the same goes for the H-wing, BTW).
I don't like that it's an internet joke, though. I wish I had the balls and the costuming skill to dress up as Tron (or, some equivalent cool genre thing that I loved).

I'd say those CIC Flightsuits are cooler.
I just wish I had the balls to dawn that white spandex suit and take a full body profile photo... and then post it on the net. Not to mention take it for a spin out in public. That flabby-gut mustached guy is a better man than I.
st3lt3k said:
My intention in posting the link was not to spread an internet joke.

Yeah, it's been making the rounds for a few years now. I think this guy was even on Conan O'Brien or similar shows a few times over the last couple years.
It's not a joke, but there are those who would treat it as such, like they do anyone who's passionate about something that isn't within a narrow set of options (traditionally but not limited to sports, women/men, or partying).
Oh lighten up, it's a fat guy in a tight suit. Though not exactly high brow humor, it is comical. Nobody would deny the dedication and creativity it took for him to craft that thing, but I would argue that he himself sees the humor in it judging from his many voluntary appearances on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Corsair(pilot) said:
Though not exactly high brow humor, it is comical.


So is *my* foot up *your* ass.