Trippy Wing Commander II Special Operations 1 Character Mixup Bug?


1st Lieutenant
Hey all,

Encountered a pretty trippy bug that I can't quite explain. It's near the end of Special Operations 1 (winning path - Mission 15) for Wing Commander II.

It's a scene with Thrakhath, Blair, and Paladin, and for whatever reason, where Thrakhath should be speaking, the first time Blair's image shows (and his mouth moves).

So I reloaded to try again. This time Thrakhath is replaced Blair initially, then by disembodied Blair (Blair's face in a block) a bit through.

I try again. Now Thrakhath is replaced by Major Edmond...

I try again. It's actually Thrakhath for once.

At first maybe I thought it was something weird with my config (memory issue), but I was able to find a YouTube playthrough where the very first dialogue from Thrakhath, it's Blair's image...though after that it seems to be properly Thrakhath. I've seen other video playthroughs, though, where it all appears fine.

Is this a normal bug everyone gets? Very curious!
Here's a screenshot:

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Haha, that's awesome - thanks for sharing! That's pretty priceless.

On another note, I've since found out this bug is indeed one everyone seems to have. So strange that the character can change every time you try it...maybe some sort of overflow issue.
I've seen plenty of times Trakhath/Blair/someone else mixed in that one point and sometimes Edmond with wrong body (but not naked). I recall sometimes there's no character at all, just empty background talking.

I think most often I get Blair talking to himself.