Tie Fighter


I know it´s not a thread about WC. :)

I have Win XP and a cheap Quickshot stick.
The problem after installing Tie Fighter Cd Collector Version, is that not run because it needs a joystick to work, of course my joystick is connected,and working fine with old and new games.
I tried it in the Win95 and Win 98 compatibility mode, but still asks for a joystick.
it´s weird because the X-Wing Cd Collector Version works fine!Can be because it needs an older DirectX ?
I got too both Xwing and TIE firhter collectors Cd`s but I dont have ant prob with any of them...

Well, Im not helping huh ?:D

heh , bye :cool:
Not only you aren´t helping, you are making an ass and a very stupid from yourself,don´t complain if someone shoot you a bullet in your neck and you die miserably.
may Satan rape your soul!