I figured that the only way I could play privateer satisfyingly is by running it in dos am i right?
If so can u guys help me out on this:
I am planning to play this via p4 256 ddr laptop. If I boot it in dos, how am I supposed to get the games to recgonise my usb mouse. Is using an usb mouse even remotely possible?
Secondly, I understand that in order for me to have dos in my winxp laptop, I will need part of my hdd formatted in fat or fat32 right?
Do I format it to fat or fat32?
Is there an easy way to add a fat partition to my current hdd without reinstalling winxp or losing any files?
I believe my inbuild sbcard is not what it used to be right? am I suppose to configure them the way i use to do it ages ago? config sys and autoexec settings? is there a generic sb drive that could suppose most modern soundcard to run in do?
Thank you so muchh!!!
I figured that the only way I could play privateer satisfyingly is by running it in dos am i right?
If so can u guys help me out on this:
I am planning to play this via p4 256 ddr laptop. If I boot it in dos, how am I supposed to get the games to recgonise my usb mouse. Is using an usb mouse even remotely possible?
Secondly, I understand that in order for me to have dos in my winxp laptop, I will need part of my hdd formatted in fat or fat32 right?
Do I format it to fat or fat32?
Is there an easy way to add a fat partition to my current hdd without reinstalling winxp or losing any files?
I believe my inbuild sbcard is not what it used to be right? am I suppose to configure them the way i use to do it ages ago? config sys and autoexec settings? is there a generic sb drive that could suppose most modern soundcard to run in do?
Thank you so muchh!!!