That One About Akkbar (April 1, 2002)

That's great. What maybe people forget is that it's not arbitrary Akkbar hate. We specifically call him out every April Fool's day because way back on April 1, 1998, he posted an awful prank news post about the immediate release of a Wing Commander multiplayer game alpha. As people dialed into the internet and came on IRC that day, he sent them one-by-one to go read the post... and then laughed as each fan's soul was crushed when he revealed the prank. You can still find the post here: So we swore that day to never post an equivalent "New WC Game Announced!" cruel joke ever again. In a way, this was kind of the last straw that broke WCHS and sent us packing. The last updates to the site were posted just a few weeks later, and we went on to found our own site here at that summer.