Test Excalibur..


Vice Admiral
Hey Guys check this one out. I have to play with the textures a bit but tell me what ya think.

Hey Guys check this one out. I have to play with the testures a bit but tell me what ya think.


This is for a Nephilim-conflict Excalibur? I do like the wing extensions for the tachyon gun mount, since that kind of mounting makes the autotracking guns feature more believable. I'm not as sure about the large body extensions from the wing root/fuselage up to the nose, though. They make this Excalibur look perhaps a little too much like a really big Arrow Cavalier. Beefy silhouette. Maybe you could tweak that part of the design to look a little more like a canard configuration, shades of some of the WC1 and WC2 era designs? (Hornet, Raptor, Rapier II, Morningstar) I've always found the change in visual styles between WC1/2 and WC3/4 to be a little too drastic. Canards are just so... Confed.
Yes on the Nephilim Conflict Excalibur. I was hoping for this to be a variation of sorts. Similar to something in S*S. But....Just trying to get some feedback on what would be a sick look for some newer designs in fighters. But yea now that I think about it, it does look similar to a Arrow Cavalier. Wasn't shooting for that but yea ~~~
Yes on the Nephilim Conflict Excalibur. I was hoping for this to be a variation of sorts. Similar to something in S*S. But....Just trying to get some feedback on what would be a sick look for some newer designs in fighters. But yea now that I think about it, it does look similar to a Arrow Cavalier. Wasn't shooting for that but yea ~~~

According to the ships database in the CIC, at least one variant of the Nephilim-conflict Excaliburs was really, really fast. Max. Cruise velocity of 650kps, although max afterburner speed stayed at 1300.


The S*S ships with the highest speeds most resemble their original "clean" design configuration without all the extra layers of durasteel and compartments for additional modules and devices. Still, I like S*S's 'evolving' fighter designs. If you're going for a fast Nephilim-conflict Excalibur, maybe add a little visual exaggeration to the engine modules? Maybe emphasized through texture rather than the polygons, if there's some way to make the engines look... uh, 'supercharged.'

Anyway, it's all up to you, really. But I like the idea of adding more detail to the models, or at least coming just a little bit back from from the slab-sided 'brick' aesthetics of WC3 and WC4's Confed ships. Whether or not you liked the asymmetrical elements to all the Kilrathi ships, their designs did look more interesting than Confed's.
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Heard On the Supercharged!!! I'll show this in the Vision Engine sometime tommorrow or tonight and we'll get give it a lil boost and hopefully maybe even post it up somewhere so it's easy for people to use in the Secret Ops game. It's hard to find the time......I'm only one peoples ~~~ :)