I posted before earlier this motnh with problems using most Wing Commander games on my NForce2 Epox board and got no resolution. I got the original Wing Commander to work on it,but now i am abck to my old problem. The problems are now:1.I'm not sure how to mount a cd game like WC3-Prophecy that need the discs in the cd drive as well as the fiels on the ahrd drive.2, This is my biggest issue. The games will not see any audio on my system at all whther it's the onboard sound or a seperate SoundBlaster card. WC1 has sound under DosBox no problem, When ti comes to say trying to use WinMe or even 98 on this thing like i sue to the games will nto detect sound and if i force them to sue what setting the Legacy drivers sue in the SBPCI128 settings they all will freeze on install. On this i want to knwo should i jsut go back and build an old Pentium 3 system that isn't Nvidia chipset oriented? I had Soyo Dragosn in the past and they worked fine using WinMe/98 and WC3-WCP with no issues. Those were VIA chipsets though. I'm really leary of the old NForce2 board now sine i think it's the whoel chipset that messing the games up and not working as they use to on a different chipset mobo. I say Pentium 3 sicne it's a VIA and intel based board and i never had a problem on my old P3 either. Any ideas useful suggestiosn would really help me a lot. Thanks.