Standoff Models


Vice Admiral
Is it possible to get the standoff models/textures. I'm not interested in reusing the textures art style etc just their coordinates. I want to rework the standoff artwork for a project of my own. If I could have the models sent to me or if someone can point me to a tool that can extract them from secretops, that would be very helpful. I tried thomas' wcp2dxf app but I was unable to get it to extract data. If someone can help me that'd be great.
my e-mail is and I will check back here frequently. Thanks in advance.
hmm, I grabbed hcl's treman. I can't extract the stan__ep2.tre file it errors and crashes out. the other tre files appear to have extracted. I need the ships from episode 2. Specifically the kilrathi capital ships and probably some of the human ones. if you can help me that'd be great especially if you have the original 3d art models before they were put ingame :)
Yes, for some reason TREMAN has trouble with our large fanmade uncompressed TREs. The workaround is to extract one subfolder at a time instead of selecting the option that extracts everything.
I was able to extract the files with a tre extractor tool I found on the net that wasn't made by hcl. what are you using to get the iff files into a usable 3d format? I got wcp2dxf which worked but loses the texture coordinates. is there another tool? I remember the 3d exploration plugin but it doesn't work with deep exploration which is the current version of 3d exploration.
You can use Thomas Bruckner's 3D Exploration plugin (from his website) to get 3D Exploration to open .iff files, which lets you convert it to any of the bazillion formats 3D Exploration supports. The mapping info should in theory remain untouched during the whole process, so you can just paint over Standoff's textures at will. I don't think there are any other methods that are as simple or as reliable as this.

For anyone else interested in this kind of thing, and for future reference, or what not... You are free to use Standoff's models provided you:
A) Come up with your own textures for them and
B) Don't ever release *anything* (as in, not even a 320x160 screenshot) that shows Standoff's models with any piece of the original texturing still showing.

The reason for this is not that I think my textures are particularly hot (they aren't), but rather:
1) I do not want other mods to look exactly like my own
2) I do not want other mods to look partially like my own, with the occasional completely different and absolutely out of place texture thrown in
3) I do not want any screenshots of unrelated projects being mistaken for Standoff ("I downloaded this game after seeing the Super Concordia Mk II screenshot on a random website, but now I played through the whole thing and I didn't find it in game! Standoff sucks!")
In regards to the extraction problems - TREMan only has trouble with the MGI (music) files (and even those you can actually extract, if you try doing it one file at a time), it's just that once it runs into a problem, it stops altogether. So, you can get around these problems easily - instead of extracting everything, just select the multiple files option, and type in the folder you want to extract (mesh).