space sim comments


Hi, I offer to comment a few more space sims having been released during the wing commander era. Some as opponents (epic, inferno (ocean), mantis the experimental fighter (microprose)...), or strangely related (ares rising (imagine studios)).

Should this interest you, notify me.
I don't really understand what you're proposing... - reviews about other space sims are available aplenty in other places, and comparisons between games are a pretty sure way to have people getting hot and agitated.
But maybe I'm just reading you wrong.
I remember I really liked Mantis

It came bundled with our awesome computer we got in 1993, a blazing fast 486 DX2 33 (66 with the turbo button) with 4 megs of ram, a 344 mb hard drive and a 2x cd rom drive, all for $2200

Mantis was neat because it used newtonian physics and your weapon and fuel loads changed your performance, so if you carried fewer missiles and relied on your gun or cut back on fuel (maximum 15 minutes of burn time) you could fly faster and turn more quickly

The story was dumb, the acting was terrible and the missions got pretty tough, but it was still really cool for a kid used to using an 8088

it was my first space combat game and it was the one that got me into wing commander :)
I remember Tie-Fighter. Although all I really remember is the menu screen was similar to the one in WC, my memories aren't that vivid of it.
mantis was truly great (I finished it, and am still playing it), star crusader also (I just recieve the grimnada mission pack), but other titles are nice to comment: forced alliance, tachyon, darker, epic, inferno, ares rising...
Aside from the WC universe, the X-Wing series games were some of my favorite. I remember when I was real young being stuck on the Frigate Redemption mission forever!

When TIE Fighter came out, I was excited because I thought I'd finally see a cutscene that revealed how a TIE's landing gear properly operated. No such luck though!
for instance: do you have a copy of the first true space sim ever made (pc)?
May I present: deepspace: operation copernicus (1984)
Plenty of "space sims" before that -- Elite in '85, Space Vikings in '82...

(... Ultima 1 in '81...)
Can we go go even earlier? Space War on the Atari 2600, in 1978 - I even played it on a friend's system, and couldn't get enough of it (although he was arguably better than me). Okay, it's non-PC, but there was an Amiga version...
Ah yes, the greatest of all ancestors!
Has anybody played the greatest WC opponents?
Epic and inferno from ocean?
Isn't spacewar! one of the the first videogames ever? I guess that makes space sims one of the oldest genres.

oh, here it is (sorry for the wikipedia link).

Pretty awesome for the time.
At least half the time one of the first few links in any google search is a link to a Wikipedia entry, nowadays.

As if Google searches weren't "hit and miss, but more often than not miss" enough...
Well, those altavista days were even worse.

And anyone remembers when yahoo was actually a search engine?
Well, those altavista days were even worse.

And anyone remembers when yahoo was actually a search engine?

remember infoseek?

that site was my favorite because it had, get this, BOOLEAN SEARCHES!!

the internet sure has come a long way since firing up lynx and downloading on a school computer