Sound problems with Priv2 & XP SP2


Ok, I used the patch system to make a Privateer 2 CD1. The install went fine and gameplay wise it flawless. Beautiful old game from the past I knew and loved. My ONLY problem is the sound. It has a HUGE echo type thing going on with it. A stutter so to speak? Video is fine and actualy gameplay is great. Just like I remember. I set all of my dx sounds acceleration to none and still have the problem. I have an Acer AC97 onboard sound card if I recall. I remember seeing a post about IRQ of 7 which is default not working and to change it to 5? Does this require another proggie or can I do it on my sound card? I have no clue how to do much when it comes to a lot of things ~~~ So can someone help me please? TIA, Niskin
You patched the DOS version to the Windows version? If so the IRQs should be irrelevant at this point, they are only a problem with the DOS version.
However I have no idea what might be the problem. Do you have this echo for other (DOS) games? It might be a general setting for your soundcard (EAX like stuff).
Yes I patched DOS to Windows. I don't really notice any echo in other games. (Not that I still have a lot of the oldies but goodies around). Maybe the musical term reverb fits the sound it makes....a reverb machine cranked to the max ~~~ I've looked on a few other forum sites and they call it a stutter but it isn't. It's ALMOST understandable: "HIHihi...My naMYme naISme NiskISin. is Niskin." Kind of like it loops over on itself. I may try to reinstall and see if I can fix it and check my other sound settings as well. Thanks. Oh and the sound card is a C-media AC97 not Acer...not clue where I got that from. Not even my pc maker ~~~
Update to my problem

Ok the reverb/echo phenomenon only seems to happen during cinematics. All other sounds in space, combat, drooling in the customs station, etc seem fine. It accesses the CD ROM to play those scenes. Maybe a CD read problem? :mad:
in flight music

On a slightly related topic:

I also patched the Dos version so I could play in Windows 2000,

and I was wondering, is there supposed to be any music when flying? Ever since I got the game in 1997/8 there has been no music playing in space, but in the options screen there a slider/toggle for spaceflight music.

Do you have music?
Yes I do but I turn it off because it's easier to hear the bad guys talk trash. ~~~ Everything is fine for me except the cutscenes where you talk to people and then make a decision. I am beginning to think that MAYBE my CD drive is too fast or that I burned the XP disc at too high a speed. It's almost like it gets ahead of itself then backs up to repeat things so it echos. I'm still experimenting. I have an old cd drive that's kinda slow I am going to put it in my spare bay and run the game from it and see if anything changes.
I would probably recommend you both just use the DOS versions you have with DOSBox. We have details instructions to do this at I would guess the problem stems from the sound card having a conflict with the game. Getting in and adjusting all your directX settings for it could help.
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