Sound problem with Privateer


Privateer does not work in Dos mode, but I made a boot disk and now it works, but with only sound effects, no music. I have a SBLive Value card as well as a Awe64 card installed in my computer. The only sound I can get is from the SbLive card.

path c:\windows\dos
prompt $p$g
set comspec=c:\windows\
SET CTSYN=c:\windows
SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D1 H5 P330 T6
C:\Progra~1\Logitech\Mousew~1\mouse.exe noini

device=c:\windows\emm386.exe 2592 /i=b000-b7ff ram
shell=c:\windows\ c:\windows /p

I have a PII 300Mhz, 216MB ram, and 1.2 GB free.

Also, does anyone know where I could download the speech pack for privateer?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is my bootdisk files. How do I enable my AWE64 card? When my computer boots up (off disk or otherwise) it tells me SB16 Emulation NOT loading, and I have tried to fix it, but can't.
The AWE64 and the Live! use different drivers; I suggest using the AWE64 only. For the AWE64, you need to load up a file called CTCM.EXE, followed by AWEUTIL /EM:GM. Search your drive for the locations of these files.
I've tried loading up with the CTCM and AWEUTIL files. However, when the AWEUTIL runs with the /EM:GM extension, it gives an error message that it could not load synthgm.sbk and when I looked on the hard drive, I could not find that file. I tried loading off of the /EM:GS extension (I have the corresponding file), but there is not enough memory for Privateer to run then.

What quantity should this line in the config.sys have:
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe 2592 /i=b000-b7ff ram
(what should 2592 be changed to?)

Changing it to:


should give you enough mem. I asume you are using LOADHIGH to store your drivers in higher mem.

[Edited by Darth Roel on 03-19-2001 at 06:41]
when I put this line in my config.sys:
I don't have enough memory to run Privateer. What is up with that?

Here is my config.sys
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe RAM 16384 /I=B000-B7FF
shell=c:\windows\ c:\windows /p

And my autoexec.bat
path c:\windows\dos
prompt $p$g
set comspec=c:\windows\
SET CTSYN=c:\windows
SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D1 H5 P330 T6
LOADHIGH=C:\Progra~1\Logitech\Mousew~1\mouse.exe noini

How come there is no music, and why is it that now there is no memory to run Privateer?
I put the AWEUTIL line in and got it so that it works, but now there is not enough memmory to run Privateer. It seems that every time I make a change that should make the music work, there is not enough memmory to run the game. Can anyboy help me with the memmory issue?

My config.sys
device=c:\windows\emm386.exe RAM 16384 /I=B000-B7FF
shell=c:\windows\ c:\windows /p

My autoexec.bat
path c:\windows\command
prompt $p$g
set comspec=c:\windows\
SET CTSYN=c:\windows
SET BLASTER=A220 I10 D1 H5 P330 T6
LOADHIGH=C:\Progra~1\Logitech\Mousew~1\mouse.exe noini

Is it even possible for there to be music when I am running off a boot disk on a Win98 computer?
Yes, it's possible.

I see two possibilities for what's dragging down your free conventional memory:

1) Your mouse driver's too large; get CuteMouse from the CIC Files section.

2) You have the infamous DoubleSpace driver. To find out if this is the case, boot using your boot disk and hit F8 to get to the boot menu after the RAM count. Choose Step-By-Step confirmation and answer Y to everything. If, during this time, you see anything about a DoubleSpace driver, answer N and you should have enough free memory to play the game.
It worked!!! I finally have music and now Privateer sounds really great for the first time since I bought it. The only problem is that I can't use the General Midi option because when I quit the intro to Privateer: Rightous Fire, the computer goes blank and resets itself. It does however work on SB16 mode, so I now have music.

Does anyone know why my computer would just reset itself when ENTER or ESC key is pressed to bypass the intro on General Midi option?