Sound issue with WC Privateer


I have just add to my computer an old SB16 sound card, just to have sound in Privateer. And it is almost perfect. NPC's are speaking, when fying I hear afterburner, shield impact. But when I fire I hear only noise. When NPC's (or bartrender) speaking, sometimes voice change to weird noise.

Any ideas?

Choosing any other IRQ causes privateer to end with error message 'wrong sound configuration' (or something like that)
Use this line in your Config.sys

devicehigh=emm386.exe ram 16384 i=b000-b7ff

and delete the old emm386.exe line.
Originally posted by Ghost
Use this line in your Config.sys

devicehigh=emm386.exe ram 16384 i=b000-b7ff

and delete the old emm386.exe line.

I have spoted this line in other threads...I will try it, and report, what happend :-)