Sim bug


Rear Admiral
I've just tried sending my simulator score and it seems to work.
However, I've also noticed something else : I can't seem to be able to get any quick kills. I flew a Stiletto in Nightmare and killed a few enemies very quickly, but no quick kills. Come to think of it, I was never able to get any quick kills, even when I wasn't sending my scores. I am using a mouse.
Hmm, we've never seen a bug like that... are you sure you're being quick enough? :p

Quick kills don't register while you are using the finger-of-death cheat, or else we could use it to make sure you are indeed being quick enough... Hmm, gotta think of another way to test this.

Maybe Q or Pierre can come up with a test mission for you to try, I'll ask them about this.
I'm not using any kind of cheat, and I sure am quick enough that I should be getting at least a few quick kills now and then. I once managed to destroy two enemy fighters on Nightmare almost at the same time (with missiles), but still no quick kill.

Thanks for suggesting the test mission, I'd sure like to know what causes that bug. Maybe my computer speed is causing this? I'm using a 3Ghz and playing in 640x480. I have an ATI graphics card.
The speed isn't really more then what others have, including the testers. You have any other strange stuff in the machine? Like multi processor or Windows XP64, Windows Vista Beta,...
As far as I know, no. However, it is true that I am not playing Standoff on my own computer, and so I am not logged in as the computer's main user, but I doubt that could have anything to do with it.
UPDATE : I've re-installed Unknown Enemy after installing Standoff, then played Standoff again, and now I seem to be able to get quick kills. Go figure. :p
Eder said:
Quick kills don't register while you are using the finger-of-death cheat, or else we could use it to make sure you are indeed being quick enough... Hmm, gotta think of another way to test this.

Even though the problem seems to have been sorted out, there's an easy way to test if the "quick kills" work; fly the Morningstar, and when you get a multiple-ship wave, fire off a Mace as they approach. If you get the distance right, one or two quick kills should result. You can't get much quicker than that.
Sharpshooter said:
UPDATE : I've re-installed Unknown Enemy after installing Standoff, then played Standoff again, and now I seem to be able to get quick kills.
Hmm, that's weird. You reinstalled UE while leaving your previous Standoff installation untouched, and then the quick kills started to work? I doubt there's any way UE could be interfering with Standoff, but I'll check with Pete on that.
Eder said:
Hmm, that's weird. You reinstalled UE while leaving your previous Standoff installation untouched, and then the quick kills started to work?

Basically, yes. Before that, I was never able to get quick kills (and yes, Cardinal, I had also tried using the Morningstar's mace, but it never worked. I'm not too good at destroying several ships with the Mace anyway). What's odd is that I had this problem before Unknown Enemy was even installed - I've only installed Unknown Enemy recently; but then I uninstalled it before replaying Standoff, fearing that it might interfere. However, since the quick kills didn't work, I thought 'Why not replay UE in the meantime', so I reinstalled it, replayed it (in fact, I'm still replaying it), then gave the Standoff simulator another try without bothering to uninstall UE again, and quick kills were working. Now it's possible that I did something else than reinstalling UE that affected Standoff, but if so, I don't know what it was.