Signs of the Times (April 26, 2005)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
AD has found a few interesting pieces of signage while scouring the Wing Commander movie. These posters decorated Blair's quarters and the Tiger's Claw's rec room in several scenes, and they range from cool references to just plain bizarre images.

The woman in the red swimsuit is a cool reference to the famous poster which appeared in the original Wing Commander's barracks (here). The man with a tiger for a head is... just plain strange -- but it is unlikely proof that there are tiger-looking Kilrathi in the movie! The 'movie star' picture is another original game reference -- it's signed by holovid star Saranya Carr, originally from the back page of Claw Marks.

Unfortunately, they haven't shown up in anyones collection since the movie was made -- I think we'd all love to see more detail!

Original update published on April 26, 2005
Last edited by a moderator:
"The man with a tiger for a head is... just plain strange -- but it is unlikely proof that there are tiger-looking Kilrathi in the movie!"

