Sign of the antichrist on movie tickets?

Yeah just another unfortunate coincidence that people are going to blow way out of proportion. :mad:
Also heard that a woman died during the climax scene...she was from some radio station (clearchannel? clearwater? something like that)

What a strange world we now inhabit...
I've read it was a heart attack.

There's a lot of weird things surrounding this movie, like Caviezel being struck by lightening on the cross. I'm still going with coincidence. Weird things happen around movies all the time.
dextorboot said:
There's a lot of weird things surrounding this movie, like Caviezel being struck by lightening on the cross. I'm still going with coincidence.

He was struck by lightning on two seperate occasions while on set.
Didn't know it was twice. Was he up there for both shocks?

Still, not a good idea to put yourself on the highest ground during a lightening storm. That's probably why they tell you not to do it. Like running with scissors. :)
Thats the problem. People saw it as a sign of God but when you're up on top of a hill on a plank of wood higher than the rest of the metallic machinery around you, shit will go down.

Ahh, and you think we've come so far. CNN is getting worse everyday anyway. I once saw on my local Fox news a story about a guy's rider mower. His brake went out on a hill and rolled down it then tipped over. He wasn't on the mower and no one was hurt. This was actually news.
The only news worth reading is The Onion.

Someone should finance an Onion cable news channel.
I prefer for some reason they seem to have a lot of articles from the Boston area...nothing like local weird news
Its not uncommon for news media to "spin" a story for ratings, especially when the story covers a controversial subject such as this Passion of Christ movie.

Not saying these things didnt happen to the movie crew etc, but weird things have happend in other instances of making movies of this kind. The little girl in Poltergist (sp) had horrible dreams and eventually committed suicide a few years later after that movie came out. In the making of Amityville Horror, many of the movie crew experienced weird things on the set, dreams and other strange stuff.

Question is...are these things actual supernatural occurances or are they cooincidence and tricks of the mind?

Thought is very powerfull, one can think of something enough times, that something becomes real to that person. The human psyche is something not fully understood yet, thus many things that occur in odd ball situations might be taken as something it is not.
thanks for the good laugh.. Its funny how people jump to conclusions before all the facts leading to the situation are known. then once the facts are known and can be proven they decide to not believe the real facts. Ah mass hype leads mass hysteria so easily. gotta love the human psyche, so powerful. yet not understood. Im glad that its not as supersticous as it was 200 years ago, If it were melgibson might have been cast out of society and stoned to death for his movie.