Ships of the Animated Series: Agon Ra Sivar (October 12, 2004)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
We've come to the end of our road - with the most impressive Kilrathi capital ship of the lot... the Agon Ra Sivar-class Dreadnought. The dreadnought makes its first appearance in "Chain of Command," and continues to appear as Crown Prince Thrakhath's flagship in "Expendable" and "Glory of Sivar." His armament consists of five dual mount laser turrets, six forward laser batteries and eight single mount laser turrets - as well as a full complement of fighters. Many have compared the Agon Ra Sivar's design to that of the Confederation Durango-class from Wing Commander IV... so don't let apperances deceive you! The dreadnought has three times the shielding of an average carrier!

Well, that's it! We hope you've enjoyed this survey of the many varied ships of Wing Commander Academy. Did we miss something? Want to let your opinion out in a mailbag? Let us know!

Original update published on October 12, 2004