Ship just spins


I don't think Privateer is detecting my joystick I am using a saitek x-45 throttle joystick combo if I have to buy a new joystick I will I love this game always have please let me know if there is something I am not doing and/or need to do to make it dectec my joystick and throttle thanks.
Could you provide a little bit more information? Do you play in DOS or in Windows? Dosbox? myjemm? Is the stick calibrated in windows? Did you calibrate it in Privateer?...

I am attempting to play it in windows XP the joystick is calibrated in windows i quickly read through the manual last night had to get to bed but I didn't see anything about calibrating in game I'll take another look though thanks for responding!
So how are you playing this in Windows XP? You must be using something like DOSBox. Is this the original Privateer? You definitely need to calibrate the joystick once you load the game.
No privateer gemini gold

No I am playing privateer Gemini Gold it runs on windows mac and linux it runs for windows xp as well but like I said i don't think it is detecting my joystick.
Oh, well, that's quite a bit different than just Privateer. I don't think cff or me can help you with that.
Althouhg I'm not familiar with vegastrike that much, I'm pretty sure it just reads you windows settings. Is your joystick USB? I had trouble in other games if I had a secondary controler like a usb gamepad pluged in at the same time as my joystick. (although my joystick is analog). Make sure your joystick is set to the Primary controler in the game-controler section of control panel in windows. My gamepad seems to override all my joystick stuff and just confuses games like Armada in dosbox. So maybe unplug any other controlers before launching Gemini Gold and see if that helps.