Send in the Sequels (November 24, 1999)

Bandit LOAF

Long Live the Confederation!
Following yesterday's example, Shawn Furniss has sent word of his work on a Wing Commander sequel script.
I am also writing a Wing Commander sequel script. Mine revolves around the Sivar Eshrad and Hobbes' defection. A new variant of the Rapier will be introduced that is capable of atmospheric flight( which the film Rapiers weren't). The first half of the story will mainly revolve around the pilots on the Claw training with the new fighter before Hobbes' eventual defection and news of the Sivar Eshrad on Firekka.I thought about including Dekker in a small sort of cameo at the beginning, because it opens on Repleetah and Dekker was there. Anyway I am still in the outline stage but I should start writing thje first half of the script by early to mid December. I'm still searching for a title and I am willing to take some suggestions. I've been trying to think of one that's unique enough that it doesn't carry any story expectations with, i.e. if i call it Vengeance Of The Kilrathi some people are going to expect it to follow the storyline of the Wing Commander 2 game.So any suggestions are welcome.

Original update published on November 24, 1999
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