Prophecy movie playback problems - AFTER disabling hardware acceleration.


Hmm, this one's kind of got me stumped.

First off, I'm trying this in Windows XP on an Athlon 1.4 Thunderbird, with a GF3 (28.32 Dets, I think, I could check) and a Soundblaster Live.

Prophecy displayed the usual movie-skipping and weirdness with hardware sound acceleration enabled, so I turned it down one notch at a time from full to none.
On every setting save 'none' it displayed the same movie weirdness, and on no acceleration, Prophecy promptly freezes and hardlocks XP.

So, are there any other alternatives to that fix that may be able to help me out here?

I'm putting together a P2-350 with a pair of SLI Voodoo2s in the near future, so if all else fails I'll use that, but for the present, I would like it to function on my main machine. :)
This may or may not be related, but how are you running Prophecy in XP? Did you apply the Windows 2000 patch or are you using one of XP's compatibility modes?
I have no idea how things work in W-XP, but in W98 this worked:

Switch on: 'allow LPT-interrupt sharing' in the properties of the 'Creative SB16 Emulation'
WildWeasel: Both, I believe. I'll go double-check, but I think I applied the w2k patch first thing, then fiddled with compatibility modes, which could be causing me some trouble. I'll go clean reinstall, not apply the w2k patch, and see if that does anything different.
OK, this is the weirdest setup yet, but it works.

The W2K Prophecy .exe file, the D3D patch gl_0005.dll (I'm not sure if the w2k .dll would've worked as well, because I wanted my lens flares!) ... hardware sound acceleration disabled and running the .exe under Windows 98 compatibility mode.

Movies 'catch' for a half-second every now and then (usually if it has to do a complicated redraw between frames) but it works, and I can't complain.

I'll try to find a more elegant solution, but I've got my place at the top of the killboard to maintain... ;)

Thanks! :D
Well, as long as it works...

Out of curiosity, what were your results when you tried to run Prophecy in compatibility mode without the Windows 2000 patch?
WCP works great in WinXP without the Win2k patch, with Sound accel disabeld and the dll for Lens Flare, and Win98 Compatibility