Prophecy Help?


I recently upgraded my computer, after reinstalling WCP, I have run across a major problem.

When I try to run the game it simply gives me a black screen and locks up.

My computer is running an AMD1.2 ghz with GeForce 2 Detonator, SB live, with Windows ME.

Can anyone help me? I know my disk are good, I had been playing them on my old computer that had 233mmx and a voodoo 3 board.

Any and all help is appreciated!

My wing Commander prophecy did the same in windows 200 so i just put it on a older windows thats the only way i ever got to work. Also Origin might have a patch that could help you.
Ok...almost running perfext...except

After uploading a new version of detonator for my geforce...everything seems to run great...except for the choppy movies.

I am running SBLive!Value, and directx 8

I have heard about the issue with directx sound accell...and I was wondering if this may also be what is causing the trouble.
When I tried disabling the sound accell I ended up with no sound at all.
