Privateer very slow in space flight


I am trying to get Privateer to run right on an old computer I have.

It is a Pentirum 166, 64MB RAM, onboard audio (Creative PCI 128) , on board ATI Rage 8MB Video.

I finally got the sound to work, and the games seems to work fine. My problem now is that the space flight is very slowy. It is like it is running 1/2 speed or slower? I do not remember this game being to much of a resource hog and playing it on my 386/486.

Any suggestions?
Have you tried with DOSBox 0.63? You have to download and install it and have to take some care setting the EMS option to FALSE and soundblaster IQR to 5 in the DOSBox.conf file.

You should then fly Priv well.

I am experiencing, however, continuous music skips while flying and at bases, thought not in the custscenes; I think I've get used to it!!
Try plugging in a (non USB) joystick (if you can). This actually DOES have an effect on Privs over all performance...
Why would I be using DosBox? I am runing of off legacy hardware using a boot menu to run in DOS mode under Windows 95.

I have not even plugged in a joystick yet, and I doubt one of my USB joysticks would work under DOS.

The only thing I can think off would be an EMS or PCI Sound Blaster problem.
I found the problem is the Creative PCI 128 dos drivers. Privateer runs fine with out them. I upgraded to a Pentirum non-MMX 200, but it is still slow. I guess I will go grab an AMD K6 300 or something unless someone knows of a half-height ISA/PCI sound card.