privateer on dosbox


I have a problem, when I run privateer in dosbox it doesn't detect the PRIVATEER CD. Even when I have already mounted the cd drive
Are you sure you'are mounting it properly? For myself, 'F:' is my CD-ROM drive where I installed the game from. To mount it, I type:
mount f f:\ -t cdrom
This mounts my DVD-ROM drive 'F:\' to drive letter 'F' and declares it a CD-ROM drive. The reason it is mounted to F is because the game was installed from there and will search 'F:\' for the CD and it's files.
I have spent many hours attempting to get privateer to run in standard windows 98. While attempting to run in dos box I get the message:

Missing or invalid 386FX driver

I am so desperate to play this game... can someone lend a hand to this helpless fool?
You can also copy the .tre files off the CD to your privateer directory, and edit the .cfg files there to point them in the right direction, thereby removing any need for a CD drive.

And you there, I beg for help, quit hijacking everybody's threads.
Well I don't mean to be a bother.. I'm sorry, okay!!!!! I just need help from someone smarter then myself to lend me their intellect for a short while and help me find a solution to my problemo.
Unregistered, why don't you simply start a new thread? this way you would get help much faster, I would guess. - Oh, and then post your whole PC setup there, cause without it, it would only be pure luck to guess the reason for the error.