Wow, that was suprisingly out of line. Those were both. actually, legitimate suggestions... One of them didn't even have to do with anything relating to this problem and can't have a negative effect on finding a solution. A FAQ for getting the original DOS games to work is definately something that's been discussed. Although the impact is rather difficult to measure, due to the fact that those helped by it don't tend to post, I would be quite happy to make any useful FAQ a sticky at the top of this forum.
Secondly John, while you were busy getting all worked up, you appear to have not realised that Muppet was refering to a shortcut, in windows, containing the config.sys and autoexec.bat data required to do a proper DOS boot for the game. He wasn't suggesting that you make some sort of shortcut and then go change your normal system files. While not horrifically helpful, it is a valid point and can, in no way, do any harm.
If you have problems, at least think them out beforehand and make sure they really exist.