Privateer: ESS1868 or SBLive!?


I have installed Priv on my system, and it worked pefectly with my old ESS1868 ISA soundcard, but I got an SBLive PCI and I can't get its drivers loaded in DOS (bootdisk).
Can I put the ESS soundcard back into the computer to play priv with sound or would two soundcards in one system disturb each other(i.e. driver conflicts, etc.):confused:
I don't know this ESS1868 ISA sound card, but I would suggest using two cards. I used to have both SBLive and sb16 pci. I now have a dos machine. The SBLive dos drivers don't work well with P1. After like two missions you'll lose sound and need to re-boot to get it back.

If you install SBLive's dos drivers correctly this is what your autoexec.bat sblive lines should look.

SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6 J200

You'll need to add J200 for the joystick to work in dos.
The ISA in the soundcards name means it uses an old ISA slot, the black ones.

When I use two cards, I let the autoexec.bat on hd stay as it is and only change the one on the boot disk to make it using the second sound card, right?
The ISA in the soundcards name means it uses an old ISA slot, the black ones.
I know what ISA is. I don't know you sound card.

When I use two cards, I let the autoexec.bat on hd stay as it is and only change the one on the boot disk to make it using the
You can do that, but why not let ESS1868 take over SB 16 Emulation. You sound card should have come with a 1/8" male to male cable. From the ESS1868 sound out plug it to the sblive Line In.

Do this that your own risk. If you have ghost I would first ghost your machine. Always backup your data first.