Privateer 1: Fullscreen?


Hey Folks,

So I am already ecstatic over the help I have received on this site. I got my original privateer 2 discs working PERFECTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But, now I am trying to get Privateer 1 to work. I went to that site where a guy has an app that lets you dwnld both the original and RF with DosBox. Its great and runs perfect, except it will only run in windowed mode, AND I can't use the mouse.

NOW correct me if I am wrong, but could you even use the mouse in the original? Or was it 100% keyboard? If Im wrong how do I get my mouse to work with it and how do I get to play it full screen? Anyone else experiencing the same problems?

OH, I am using XP btw. . . .and as a very small side note, cause it shouldn't change anything, I am running XP on a Macbook Pro using Boot Camp!

If I could activate a game genie code, I would activate infinite thanks, cause thats what I have waiting for you should you help me out!
Privateer supported mouse, keyboard and joystick controls.

There currently is no legal way to download Privateer, so I haven't looked into adjusting the configuration of that guy's download & run thing.
You may need to activate one of the dosbox scaler options to get the game to fill the screen properly if you have an LCD.