Privateer 1 CD version sound



I just installed privateer 1 CD version and it is working BUT the sound is REALLY BAD (sound effects like laser fire are just awful)

Now I still had an old version of privateer floppy in a corner on my HD so I tried t out and the sound works just perfect with it...

Anyone may have a clue as to why sound may be crap with CD version and just fine with floppy ? sound configuration (sound.cfg) is the same for both versions...

My sound card is a soundblaster 16 awe 32 if that may be relevant.

What differences are there between CD and floppy versions anyway ?

Hmm I will have to check that. I *think* I didn't specify any special option on that line but not sure.

Anyway, Privateer 'floppy version' sound is correct ;)
Only CD version sound is crap
The only option specified in my EMM386 line is 'RAM' in fact
I tried noems but then privateer refuses to start and suggests RAM ;)
The Priv CD (if it's an EA Classics Gold Edition) comes with Righteous Fire, the Privateer add-on.
Originally posted by Rhotull
I tried noems but then privateer refuses to start and suggests RAM
That's because NOEMS means... no EMS. Privateer needs expanded memory. Have you tried limiting memory to 16MB yet? Should be something like this:

Just curious: what do the D and FRAME parameters do? And I kinda forgot what the /I does too... something to do with that memory area...
Originally posted by Wedge009
Just curious: what do the D and FRAME parameters do? And I kinda forgot what the /I does too... something to do with that memory area...
Here a quote from the WUGNET'S Win 3.1 Configuration Secrets book
Using emm386.exe to emulate expanded (EMS) memory decreases the amount of UMB RAM by 64k. That 64k belongs to EMS page frame, which serves as a port hole into expanded memory. DOS 6.0 has a feature that allows you to have expanded memory without sacrificing the 64k page frame.
The FRAME command gives you access to the 64k page frame. Except for the D this DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\EMM386.EXE 16384 D=64 FRAME=E000 /I=B000-B7FF RAM line this from the P1 instruction on the CD. The I=B000-B7FF is a memory address range. Because we are using the FRAME command with I=B000-B7FF it now needs the switch / to work. Why I don't know it just does. I found this out buy trial and error. I try emm386.exe with and without FRAME and I=B000-B7FF and found that I could get more conventional memory free with them than without.

Right now I am running P1 with 618K of conventional memory free. Without that line I was under 585K free and that's with my CD-ROM and smartdrv loaded.

That D I found it in some document I found on the NET. I don't remember what it's for but it does hurt anything. Consider it optional.

I don't remember as much DOS as I use too. My first job out of school I ran a one man shop with 71 Win 3.11 machines. We had IBM, HP, and a lot of clones. We had 286's and up. Try working on a 386 laptop with Win 3.11.:eek: We had like 5 deference versions of DOS. MS and IBM's PC DOS. I also had to rollout Win95 on to our Novell 3.11 network. Oh' I also add a RS6000 server (Unix) to the network with termials. That met I had to create a TCP/IP network too. That was a fun job. I wish I stayed.
Using the following emm386 line solved the problem all right :

Thanks guys :)

Anyway the FRAME parameter was invalid for me (win98 boot disk), but that is pretty much off topic now ;)
It's only a alert messege not a error messege. Does hurt anything. It's only letting you know you're making a change to EMM386.EXE. The problem with Win98 is it uses DOS 7.0. There are no books on it. So we are stuck with DOS 6.22 commands.