Privateer 1 - Can't get it running

Darth Maul


I tried to get Priv 1 running on a Thunderbird 1.3 GHz machine with 512 MB DDR (don't know if that is important)

I made a boot diskette and have 617 K of lower memory available. I tried to run with and without speech/sound and even tried the options for emm386 which are mention in other posts, but I always get the same error:

'Memory: Original Current Used
'Near 29868 29338 30
'Far 354940 249660 5280
'High 7240448 7235440 5008

Error Code: E001-FFFF
Program halted by code.
JEMM unloaded

Does anybody know what this error means and how I can solve my problem? (The system boot diskette is made with Win 98)
And you have CD-Rom drivers properly loaded, or you've copied the entire CD over to the hard drive? You may want to post your autoexec.bat and config.sys just in case.