Preview First WC4 Track From New Album (August 6, 2017)


Super Soaker Collector / Administrator
George Oldziey's campaign to produce a second album of Wing Commander music is in full swing. We're a third of the way through the allotted timeframe and nearly two thirds of the target amount has already been pledged! While this is great news, we're also entering a period of time where most crowdfunding efforts plateau and stagnate a bit. If you haven't been able to contribute yet, now would be a great time to keep the momentum going. George has also now started work on a new track from WC4. This is just a preview - the final version will be even better - but we like what we hear so far!

Here is a video of a score for some combat music from Wing Commander 4 that I just finished orchestrating. This is what the PDF will look like for you that will be getting those rewards. The MIDI version will be tweaked quite a bit before it ends up on this phase 1 CD. These sounds are generated by my music notation software for demo purposes. The eventual orchestral version will sound INCREDIBLE!!!

Original update published on August 6, 2017
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Ok, I did my poart to keep the momentum going. Thanks for the reminder, I almost forgot. And I'll inform Ironduke, he should be interested in the scores.