Please help me!


Please help me, I very fat and do not know that to me to do with my body.
Diets do not help, nothing helps.
Who íèáóäü can advise me as me to grow thin?
Is this a joke? (or spam that was edited?)

For starters, stop posting to message boards, and turn off the PC and TV. ;)

Try excercise. Some people will gain weight on low cal diets if their metabolism is a certain way because their bodies think they're starving it. It then stores everything it can when you do eat (even with excercise). Cut out all refined sugars and flour. Buy whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta if you will Better to cut out all junk food and limit the amounts of fats you intake. Drink *LOTS* of water but don't eliminate salt entirely. Eat a normal person sized meal and complement this with 15 -30 minutes of vigorous excercise a day. If neccessary, sell your car and either walk or Bike everywhere.

We can tell you all kinds of things. But none of us can give you the will power. I think a dieting forum aranged like the tech support forum would be hilarious. The resonses are amazingly similar: We need to know more about yourself (system) before we can diagnose the problem. What exactly have you already tried in order to rectify the situation? Most people who start by saying they have tried everything almost always have not.
If you want to reduce weight there is no way but diet, sorry.

Exercise will make you more healthy and will shape your body better (and is very recommended), but in the end the loss of weight is very low.

Also don't bother with any lo carb or low fat or whatever new hip diet. In the end it comes down to energy eaten and energy used. If you use more then you eat you will loose weight.

Regarding what AD said about the metabolism reducing itself to prevent further loss - unfortunately this is true. So either you settle for a very slow weight loss (and a high degree of exercise) to avoid this mechanism OR if you have a very high willpower (sorry to tell you, but the wonder drug just doesn't exist - weight loss is foremost a brain thing) you actually reduce you calory input by an extend that even that low metabolism won't get enough calories. Be warned however that at least the second option should not be done without regular checkups and quite health meal selection or you will get sick.
cff said:
If you want to reduce weight there is no way but diet, sorry.

Exercise will make you more healthy and will shape your body better (and is very recommended), but in the end the loss of weight is very low.

The loss of total weight is low, but that's because muscle mass is increasing. When someone talks about "losing weight," they're really talking about "losing fat." Exercise is at least as important in diet for that.
The sad and unfortunate truth is that for us to lose fat, we must eat less. I wish there was a trainer or cheat to do that, just typing motherlode on The Sims for cash.
Delance said:
The sad and unfortunate truth is that for us to lose fat, we must eat less. I wish there was a trainer or cheat to do that, just typing motherlode on The Sims for cash.

That's not entirely true as I already pointed out before. Though certainly over-eating isn't going to help anyone lose weight. For most diets the fat content and such factor highly into the amount of weight gained. So sometimes it's what you eat more often than how much of it. And every diet should be acompanied by some form of excercise.

And on the other hand, certain risky diets like the Atkins system allow one to eat *very* much food. But with high protein diets one can become acustomed to very high fat eating habits. In that system you have to eliminate most carbohydrate intake and suplement your diet with fiber and other vitamins. The Cholesterol isn't a problem if you stay away from the carbohydrates. It isn't healthy to be on for a long time but weightloss can be dramatic. But once a person goes off the diet and starts eating carbohydrates again the danger is that they will quickly gain all the weight back. You *cannot* cheat on that diet. (my In-laws were on it for quite a while).

Losing weight often means psychologicaly preparing oneself for a complete change of lifestyle. Sometime we have to rethink how we view taking a few minutes out of our schedule for physical activity. Sometimes simple things like taking the stairs from your fourth floor apartment to your car instead of the elevator can make all the difference.

I personally favor a more balanced aproach to dieting (not that I personally need to, though I will feel the difference if I've been eating too much McDonalds, for instance).
Bikeing helps alot, and as AD already pretty much said everything, limit junk food and fatty foods.

Edit-Hehehe AD posted like 30 seconds before me :)
LarryG1978 said:
Please help me, I very fat and do not know that to me to do with my body.
Diets do not help, nothing helps.
Who íèáóäü can advise me as me to grow thin?
This seems alot like spam and your grammar doesn't help. In the case that this isn't spam, just exercise and eat less.
Counting calories is a pretty tried and true way to lose weight. Of course just limiting your calorie intake to a certain number isn't just the only thing you can or should do...combine the calorie count with some good healthy exercise and you should start seeing some results.
Barring unforeseen circumstances, I fully intend to have my own custom gravestone made before I punch out, saying "I lost 175 pounds in 30 days, you can too, ask me how!". Not my original idea, but damn cool.

AD said:
Don't be an idiot.

Who made you LOAF