Partitioning for WC games


I'm fed up with my WinXP trials and tribulations with WC games and I've decided to partition my hard drive and run XP on my half and win98 on the partitioned WC part. Does anyone have any experience in this particular area? Does anyone knowof a good website with instructions to follow to accomplish this? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

Well, when using win9x with NT or 2K separately on one hard disc it was always best (my experience) to first install win9x on the first half and then select the second (unpartioned) half for NT/2K... then there was automatically created a boot menu my NT/2K and I never had any problems... don't know how to make it when you install NT/2K/XP first
Yeah, first 9x, then NT/2000/XP, but I think that's because 9x won't install anymore if you do it the other way around. There is special software (like xOSL) to set up boot menus afterwards. You can also use it to hide partitions from eachother.
Originally posted by Jochen
Well, when using win9x with NT or 2K separately on one hard disc it was always best (my experience) to first install win9x on the first half and then select the second (unpartioned) half for NT/2K... then there was automatically created a boot menu my NT/2K and I never had any problems... don't know how to make it when you install NT/2K/XP first

Damn and I just got wInXP and it's programs configured the way I weant them :(. I think I'm going to poke microsoft a little bit and see if they have any ideas (i'm sure they'd love it if 2 windows programs were running on a computer:) )
