P II - recreation...


Yes, we are still on the way to give the Tri-System a new face...

Since we dont want to simply "overflow" this forum, all new designs and ideas will be shown inside this thread, okay?

As you see in the past, we are working on new "top-images" of the vessels seen in the P II game...

Here is something new: the Veldor-class carrier of the CIS.


We are also looking for people who like to take part of "our" version of the Tri-System or better: we want you to tell us your little stories and adventures behind the sticks...

We like to use stuff like this for our upcomming homepage, witch will be like an huge "diary of the Tri-System"...

Infos and questions please via pm... or mail.

Since this is the thread for any kind of "new" stuff (in other words - you dont have seen this before), I make a little update.

As for now, at least 5 (!) people working hart on several projects.

That is:

Jacob Hudson - 2D Views of the vessels from P II, several new designs and equipment tools, also leading head of the cardgame

Ser Kears - 3D models, backgroundwork for the cardgame

Lars (no, it's not the gevatter) - a pen&paper version of the "Erwachen" - series

Madman - background for new designs, general ideas, testreader and kritics

Myself - writer of the books, creator of new backgroundstories (both for weapons & ships, also the system in general)...

And we have an "unoffical" 6. member: Bakhtosh as testreader...

So, we keep on moving.


Our topgun & evil privateer - Ser Kears - spend some time on his keyboard, he was working on his own version of the well known Heretic fighter...

Here is his progress so far:


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Yes, the crazy Germans are here again...

We got a new crewmember - Priest - and he starts to make a "writers bible" for the entire P II stuff...

Long story short: there will be a wiki in privateerstyle.


That Heretic looks great. I haven't actually played P2, but the Heretic just looks like an awesome fighter!

We had lost our forum, but we still work hard on our projects.

We are also looking for somebody who likes to create textures for Kears 3-D-models...

Btw - we where forced to get apart from Hudson, he simply broke some simple rules inside our forum and at least he let us down, taking the forum and the domain away. We still have a backup of the forum, but we would have to start it from scratch. This might take some time but we´re not dead yet.

Be prepaired - in some hours you can take a first look on a new fighter...

So, stay tuned.

So, right here, right now...

We proudly present the new Kalrechi...

In may we started a database for P II and the "Erwachen" - books, the leader for this project is a friend of us called Priest...
Well, it's still in german only...

Here is the link: PII-Wiki



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@ Bandit LOAF: thank you so much for the offer - but I need to talk first with my crewmates and of corse with my publisher.
But I think we can handle it.

@ Grey Viper: what can I say? Good question, next question... we are not quite sure about the engine, but Kears models are highpoly.

One sad thing is still to come - the end of the cardgame. Yes its over, but I'm not willing to give my work away after all the damage done by the "creator" of the cardgame to our other projects, including the books!
To make this clear: the only thing htis person had done was the frame of the cards. The images, the data on the cards etc. pp came from me...

More about this not here...

But the work continues.

Ok, this may sound like a ~~~~ question, but how is your recreation meant to be different from the original P2?
Ok, this may sound like a ~~~~ question, but how is your recreation meant to be different from the original P2?

Well, this is the one question...

We are - right now - not even sure about the main "goal" of our recreation. For some reasons we need highpoly models from the game... because I plan some sort of a "Tri-Systems technical manual" with entire new ships in it...

Of corse, a complete new "old" P II is a great goal... but we just start up. And we dont know where this ends up...

So after the Highpoly Model of the Kalrechi i tried something different... I grabbed the Blade and turned it into pieces to rebuild it "Kears Style"...

I made a different approach simmilar to an older model i do this model as a lowpoly one and rework it to a highpoly. I hope to get better control over the texturing process so that this ship will propably be the first to be shown with textures. The lowpoly model is almost done, just some minor detail to add so next step is turnin it in highpoly and starting with the textures... so stay tuned:cool: